Value of Membership
CivicPRIDE is a 501(C)(3) professional association.
For you as an individual
Free Inclusion Summit registration ($25 value)
Quarterly newsletter
Ideas exchange with CivicPRIDE board members ( on LGBTQIA+ inclusion/equity in local government
E.g., Creating a new Employee Resource or Affinity Group, developing LGBTQIA+ inclusive policies, etc.
Become more visible to and connected with a network of queer local government professionals across the country
For communities
CivicPRIDE disseminates leading and emerging practices for ensuring local government can be proactive and responsive to the needs of LGBTQIA+ community members.
For the profession
Your membership and financial support helps CivicPRIDE advocate for LGBTQIA+ inclusion and education across local government networks. Our advocacy helps:
Boost LGBTQ+ issues of concern and augment educational content by collaborating across professional association partners like the International City/County Management Association (ICMA)
What does your membership fee support?
CivicPRIDE Administration (maintaining 501(c)(3) status, website hosting, newsletter distribution, etc.)
Planning and content for the annual Inclusion Summit
Educational and promotional materials
CivicPRIDE’s mixer at the annual ICMA conference
Become a Member Today!
CivicPRIDE Membership
30$Every yearIndividual Annual MembershipÂ- Advance Inclusive Local Government
- Member Directory
- Access to Resources